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Pricing a home for sale is delicate as homes priced too high don’t sell, and homes priced too low bring seller regret as they can sell the first hours of being placed on the market. While pricing your Palm Springs home competitively is important, there are ways to maximize your sales price. Have a look.


No home will bring top dollar if it is not clean. Your home needs to appear as though you’ve taken a great deal of pride in the home to show it is a valuable asset. Wash the walls, get all the grime out of the kitchen and baths and make the home sparkle and shine.


Buyers typically want a home that is move in ready. So, if you have hot pink bathrooms, purple bedroom walls and so on, the home is likely not move-in ready for a majority of home buyers as they will need to paint the home before they are comfortable in it. Neutralize the home with neutral colors, appealing to a majority of homebuyers.

Add Homey Touches

Fresh flowers in the entry, a nice warm plate of cookies in the kitchen, the smell of fresh laundry, and so on all provide a “home sweet home” feel and go a long way when selling your home.


De-personalizing a home allows potential homebuyers to visualize themselves in the home as it allows homebuyers to build an emotional connection to the home, seeing the home as theirs.


Remove one-third of the contents of the home as maximizing space creates the illusion of a bigger home. Pull furniture away from the walls and arrange the furniture nicely in each room, showcasing the purpose of the room. If your furniture is old and shabby, store it away and rent furniture while your home is on the market.

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